Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

Tag: dental procedures

Ways to Fix a Missing Tooth

“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!” It was a popular Christmas song more than 70 years ago, but the sentiment isn’t lost, even today. Having missing teeth, especially in areas that are visible to others, can do a number on your confidence. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fixing a missing tooth is actually one of the most common dental procedures that family dentists perform on a daily basis. Millions of Americans opt yearly for fixing their missing teeth, restoring both their confidence and their beautiful smiles. So what are your options if you have one or more missing teeth? Is there more than one dental procedure for replacing lost teeth? Here’s information from family dentists in Essex County about the procedures available in dental offices today for repairing missing teeth.

woman holding toothbrush and coffee

Your Best Cosmetic Dentist Tips for Avoiding Stained Teeth

Originally posted on: TEA AND RED WINE LOVERS are probably all too familiar with the effects these liquids have on…

dentist with patient in office

Complete Health Dentistry: Oral Health Impacts Overall Health

Originally posted on: Preventable chronic diseases cause seventy-five percent of medical costs. It has become a monumental discovery in…

Does A Dental Implant Work?

In the past, the usual fix to the missing tooth dilemma, was to be fitted with a dental bridge, an often ill-fitting wire which was hooked onto your existing teeth, wherein a false tooth (or teeth) filled in that gap in your smile.

Today, however, the preferred method of tooth replacement is a dental implant.  Dental implants have many superb qualities, among them: they replace missing tooth roots and form a stable foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. Additionally, dental implants help preserve the remaining bone by providing the stimulation previously provided by the natural tooth roots.  There is a 95% success rate for dental implants.

What Is Laser Dentistry?

No pun intended, lasers are hot. Though chances are they’ve been around longer than most people realize, lasers are only now getting to be a popular treatment in both the medical and dental communities. Laser procedures in dentistry are more favored than many other types of procedures, mainly for their precision and decreased recovery time. And it’s that precision that makes laser dentistry procedures more effective than some other types of dental procedures as well. But that’s not all. Top dentists offer dental procedures using lasers that have the capacity to reduce the pain that may be experienced with procedures that don’t utilize the precision of lasers. So what is laser dentistry? What are its applications? And, if you’re someone who’s considering having a dental procedure performed, should you opt for a laser dentistry procedure over any other?

Causes of TMJ

TMJ is the term most people use for it, but TMJ actually refers to the temporomandibular joint, of which there are two, one on either side of the face or, more specifically, the lower jaw. The condition commonly referred to as TMJ is actually TMJ syndrome or TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is a facial condition that occurs within the temporomandibular joint that causes pain and difficult mobility of the jaw. A patient who suffers from TMJ disorder may have trouble opening their jaw, causing pain, difficulty with eating, and even difficulty with speaking. Good dentists throughout the country recommend various treatment methods for TMJ disorder and the pain and restrictions that can accompany it.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

The feeling of a cold heavy vest on your chest or a panoramic X-ray device scanning your mouth for examination makes you wonder how safe it is. When going through the test you are even told to hold completely still. It doesn’t help that the person administrating the test wears protective goggles and stands behind a door. While X-rays provide useful information that isn’t always visible, are you putting your health at risk by being subjected to the X-ray? What radiation safety requirements are in place for these scans? Are there special certifications that the dentist or dental assistant has to go through? These are legitimate questions; let’s explore the facts.

Most Common Dental Allergies

Most people can go to their family dentist, have procedures performed, and not experience allergic reactions. There are, however, a small percentage of folks throughout the country who are allergic to one or more dental procedures, mostly due to the types of substances that may be used in those procedures. Novocain, titanium, and other substances can cause dental allergies in some patients. That’s why it’s important to learn a little about some of these dental allergies. As with just about anything in this world, educating yourself about common dental allergies can help you to learn about them in order to be mindful of their signs and symptoms. Following is information from top dentists about some of the most common dental allergies and what to watch out for concerning their symptoms.